Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Its snowing! We have like 3 ft. of snow! Its awesome! Me and my brothers made a snowfort and we threw snowballs. And its really cold! (colder than I remember!)

We put our tree up and the lights on the house. Our tree has like 50 ornaments - its crazy!

And then yesterday we went to Chicago, to go see the tree's at the Museum of science and Indresrty. What it is - is that there is a bunch of tree's from around the world, Its awesome! Then we did the stuff at the museum that we have never done before and that was fun.

Then we went to this awesome Italian restaurant and the food was amazing! We sat in this little house type thing so it was like we weren't even in a restaurant. And then we went to the kringle market were their is ornaments and lot of German food, and a huge x-mas tree! It was a awesome time.

I will write later!