Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Life in General.

I haven't blogged in a while...since February, actually, and a lot of stuff has been going on with me my and my family.  So I'm going to start where I left off...

March 24, 2008 my Grandfather died.  It was incredibly hard on all of us.  I couldn't talk about him for a while without breaking down.  Its still very hard.  I would have to say that would be one of the hardest times in my life.  People where apologetic, but I wondered if they really meant it sometimes.  Did they really mean it?  Or are they just saying it to be nice?  I hated it. 

Nothing really happened in April, May, or June, except for going to a ton of Chicago Fire games!  I love going to those with my family.  I feel like its our time to spend time together without worrying about church and other issues.  And we all enjoy it.  Its great! 

July...July was a great month.  Its was my birthday, and one of my best friends came up from Cartersville, Georgia to come and visit with us for two weeks!  And she came to Engram with me.  We went into Chicago and did all the touristy things that I have done countless times.  It was a lot of fun!  I'm supper glad she came! 

Engram was good.  I felt like its was very different from the previous years.  I mean maybe because it was my last year or something.  Or maybe because I went there and I was dealing with so much and I had a lot on my mind and plus God was dealing with me on some stuff, that needed to be dealt with.  I got to catch up with some friends who I haven't seen in a couple years.  It was good! 

So I guess we are in August now.  I went to a couple weddings, and they where very nice (eh).  ha.  Soccer started back up (yay!)! I was so excited!  So I have been really busy with that, and I've met some great people.  And get Dad got a job at a soccer shop!  Its so cool!  He Just started the other day.  And school starts in a couple days.  To be honest....I'm not all that exciting.  But I have to get over that because I have to do it anyway. 

I just thank God that he was been providing for us.  Its been a hard year.  I've lost some friends that I thought I wouldn't lose.  But God is good...he is always providing.  My Dad got a job, the church is growing, and we have food and a roof over our heads.  And we have each other, thats all that matters.  I life is a little boring...but whatever. ha.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

NIU Shooting....

So Last Thursday (Valentines Day) There was a Shooting at NIU. Six People died (including the shooter) and I think at least 20 other people were shot (my brother wants me to tell you they were shot but didn't die) (ya he reading over my shoulder asking me to take him to the candy store (just what he needs right) anyways). At first it didn't really hit me has bad but these past couple days I've been really thinking about it and how it happened all so fast. We weren't even in Dekalb when it happened. We went to the new indoor water park in Rockford, and then we went to the Guitar Center (I needed a case for my guitar and some pic's) after that. And the clerk behind the desk was on the phone talking to somebody saying is everybody in Dekalb ok? And my parents started freaking out saying wait what happened in Dekalb?? And all that fun stuff. And it was supposed to be Valentines day and my parents were supposed to go out and see a movie or whatever they were gonna do. But guess what.....that didn't happen. They were at church most of the night, and then they went out to eat, but it was like it wasn't even Valentines Day. Apparently they talked about whats gonna happen this week and the weeks to come. So its been stressful. And every Night my parents are either at church or at a meeting (which that means I'm babysitting my sibs every night) or with the Billy Graham Emergency Response Team. And that also means my parents are very stressed out, (so please pray for them and all the area churches) well I think most of Dekalb and NIU is stressed. please pray.....